Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth

Pet safe way to keep bugs out

While used for years by farmers you might not know what this stuff is.  Let’s go over that and some of it’s best uses. Best of all it’s cheap! (I paid 22.00 for a 40 lbs!) 

Basically it’s fossils, really small, but to creepy crawlies, it’s like glass. It will cut into there skin and as you can guess, they don’t like that, so they stay away. It is harmless to pets as well as most farm animals which is why it is so popular. It is approved by the fda as an anti caking agent and used in many pet foods. 


To keep bugs down, specifically Roaches. They will not crawl threw it, but you will have to reapply if it gets wet or washes away.

To kill fleas, put down on carpet, let it set an hour or more and vacuum up. This is fine powder and can kill your vacuum so beware.

Bed bugs, kills them same as fleas.

Slugs and Snails in the garden.

While studies show that eating a small about of food grade DE has some health benefits, inhaling it is considered bad for your lungs.

Note: pool grade DE – or filter grade, is not the same as food grade. It is toxic due to it’s high silica content.

I punched a few holes into a Gatorade bottle cap, then scooped some into the bottle. Then I just sprinkle some around the entrance ways. Squeezing the bottle puts out a fine dusting. I also use it inside my garage. I do sweep it up and reapply from time to time. 


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4 years ago


Thank you for usefull article regarding Diatomaceous earth, we also found it very important for human health. Please keep us updated with more usefull informations.

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