Save Bacon Grease!

Save Bacon Grease!

There are lots of reasons to save bacon grease. If stored in the fridge it’s good for around 6 months, in the freezer a year but freezing is not recommended as it will loose it’s flavor. If it smells bad, it is most likely rancid and it’s time to throw it out. If you see mold on it, the same goes. Now that we have gone over how to store it, lets talk about how to use it.

Just a few pieces go a long way. It’s a great for frying things like eggs, potatoes, and vegetables instead of vegetable oil. It works great to season cast iron pans and just about anything you cook in them, like cornbread, deep dish pizza, pancakes, french toast. Add some into fried rice, use it to make salad dressings, when cooking a venison burger and the list goes on.

Is bacon grease healthy for you? It’s widely debated with most findings saying in moderation it is. It’s a great flavor enhancer and in many ways healthier then butter. With 0 carbs and the latest keto trend it’s getting more attention these days.

If cooking with bacon grease just isnt your thing, some non food options are making bird feeders, candles or making fire starters. It can be used as a lubricant, to polish, and to waterproof leather.

Just please remember not to dispose of bacon grease down your drain as it can clog it, and use care if disposing outside as it will attract the attention of hungry animals, like bears! A better option is to put it into a tin can and dispose of properly.

Let me know how you use your bacon grease!