Spray to keep the bugs away, how to make a pole sprayer!

Spray to keep the bugs away, how to make a pole sprayer!

Sometimes you just can’t reach that wasp nest and it gets old dragging out the ladder.  Not to mention trying to run down it, so don’t do it. Read on to see how to make an inexpensive pole sprayer.

I sprayed a few wasp nests and also the areas that the carpenter bee’s were munching on but all it did was cause them to move beyond my reach. Not being deterred I rigged up a sprayer I could attach to a painting pole I already had.  


A block of wood I already had laying around served as my mounting block.  The angle does help to ensure that the spray goes up but is not necessary.  

As you can see I drilled 2 holes in the front of the can so I could insert a screwdriver through them to mount the can to the wood.  

I drilled a 5/8″ hole in the bottom and was able to just screw it onto the pole. The threaded portion on my pole is metal, I suspect if it was plastic I might of had a harder time doing this.

To make the top can I used tin snips to cut the opening then bent it slightly outward so it will go over the can we attached to the wood. I covered the sharp edges with duct tape to be safe.

I made holes for the pull rope. One in the top and 2 more, one on each side of the slits and tied them together. I left a loop at the top so I could adjust its length if necessary. 

Insert the wasp spray and then put the top can over it. Notice how the rope is looped behind the can so when pulled, it pulls the can down perpendicular to the top.

Now reaching those wasp nests isn’t a problem.