SRS Airbag Simulator

SRS tool

If you have a faulty airbag here’s how to bypass it. The reason to bypass is to confirm which airbag is bad so you can get the proper one replaced. In most vehicles with airbags if there is a faulty airbag the whole system is disabled. Bypassing will allow the system to become operational again, minus the faulty airbag of course. If you replace your OEM seats or steering wheel that had a built in airbag you might need to permanently bypass. There’s a long list of vehicles that can use this bypass. This is an easy build, but please use caution when installing. Some vehicles need to have there computer reset after installation.

Here’s the supplies list.

1 – 2 ohm resistor 1/4 watt – 5% (red-black-gold-gold)
1 – 1 inch piece of heat shrink tubing
1 – DB 9 or 25 pin connector
Soldering iron and solder
Exactor knife

I took apart a DB25 connector so I could use the pins and part of the connector. The pins will be soldered to the resistor and the plastic housing will isolate the pins to make sure they do not short out. 

Using an exactor knife I removed the pins.


Using a dremel the plastic is cut to size. 

Solder on the pins.

Insert the pins and cut an inch of heat shrink tubing to shrink on top.

Heat up the tubing to shrink and then pinch the end to seal it up. 

That’s it, your ready to use your SRS airbag bypass resistor. I had some of these listed on Ebay but Ebay removed my listing and told me I was a bad boy and that these were not allowed. However, you can still find others so if you would rather buy one you can find them here: SRS airbag resistors